

I remember performing here during Island Fest. It was years ago, though. The Academy has since stopped participating in everything, with the exception of the parade. But we used to perform a few of our recital pieces here in the hangar for anyone who wanted to watch. It was mainly parents, as most of us were rather young and mischievous when left alone. It was nice to have a crowd. It was nice to pretend that people cared about the actual dance, rather than gloating about their precious baby angel child.

We used the same floors no matter where we went. They were a certain material, perfect for dance. They’d be rolled up and stored for most of the year, but when it came time for performances, there would be a crew of volunteers to set up our stage. I miss those floors. My body became conditioned to recognize their feel. I would know it was safe to move; to let it all out. I haven’t felt those floors in years. And its almost like everything is building up. Every now and then I find myself busting out a few moves at home, but quickly stopping because my feet get stuck.

I don’t really know why we stopped performing here every year. Maybe we had to pay? That sounds unreasonable, however. I don’t know. I just miss it all.

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