

I remember when my best friend and I discovered sudoku. I think it was back in high school. I don’t remember how it came up, but we took to it pretty damn quick. I used to walk around with a book of sudoku puzzles. And I think we both focused on finishing a few before we fell asleep every night.

I don’t want to call it mind-numbing, but it was a perfect way to calm down before bed. It stimulates the brain; keeps it active. But in a way that puts everything else from your day on the back burner. All worries just fade away, and its the easiest way to hit the pillow and instantly be out.

It was important to me to have some sort of escape back in high school. I had dance lessons, but I eventually had to go home. And one way to let go of my frustration towards my mom was to fill in some numbers once the security of room rescued me. I stopped for a while once my dad and I moved out. But a few years later, I realized that college was similarly stressful. Now I try to make a point to complete a few puzzles every week, even though real adult life isn’t as bad.