

I remember the first time I took a pile of clothes here. I wasn’t so sure about it at first, but my best friend convinced me somehow. Apparently she had taken her own clothing there before and had good results. And since we shop at the same stores, I figured I would come out with a few extra bucks. I never knew what to do with all my old clothing. I tried the garage sale thing, but could never seem to move anything in my size. And giving it all to my sisters never made me money.

I was slightly disappointed with the store. But I don’t quite know what I was expecting from a resale shop. Everything was cluttered and disorganized. I was told I had to stay in the store while they took a look through my box, but I couldn’t find anything! So, instead I stood by the front window and waited until my name appeared on the board. I made a decent chunk the first few times I brought stuff in, but eventually the styles turned to super gaudy and unflattering. No thanks.