

I remember these stairs. The last time I walked up and down these was for a Nine Inch Nails concert, not including this visit. One of many of his shows that I’ve attended, and not my first concert at this venue. And I must admit that it wasn’t the most impressive show ever. Lollapalooza still takes number one.

I came here with my boyfriend at that time. And we were both huge fans, so even though we knew an indoor show wouldn’t be nearly as good, we had to come. And we had to buy some merch. Which was right at the top of these stairs. I’m pretty sure I still have that shirt. Somewhere.

These stairs were definitely my downfall. I hate stairs. I always have, and will always. But the Palace has a shit ton of stairs. And it sucks. At least they aren’t all crumbly. Concerts here would not be worth it. Unless they end with Hurt.



I remember sitting in these halls for midnight shows. It was back when good movies were actually being made. Therefore, I was more willing to spend money on a ticket. And they’d be so promising, I’d be sure to be awake for a midnight start. Now it’s rare to see a movie that was worth wasting my spare time on, which is probably why I just download or search Netflix.

These halls are definitely a positive memory for me. I had the time and energy to spend with real live people for entertainment. We’d get to the theater super early to wait in line for our pick of the seats. It never really worked out in our favor, but it was nice to think it made a difference. Someone had a smart phone at some point, that was nice for part of the time. Otherwise, we just talked while we people-watched and ate candy. It really isn’t so much the movies I remember, even though most of them turned out to be Harry Potter. Just the time I spent with friends on this floor is enough for me. Too bad Rowling stopped at book seven, but we still have a few more Hobbit movies coming our way!