

I remember making these with my Great Nana. This was back when I loved making cute little crafts. Wait, no. I still do. It’s the time to do so that I lack. Anyway, I had seen these in some book I had gotten as a gift and picked up on it really quick. Which is probably why I quit making them so quickly. But I also tried teaching my Great Nana how to do it. She was sick by this time, and had moved into a trailer just off the Island. I saw her at least twice a week, and always had something to show her.

When I brought this craft with me, I happened to have run out of the string I was supposed to be using. But I had done other crafts and owned quite the supply of friendship bracelet string. Halfway through making that last poor lizard, I realized we should have waited. He’s all floppy and mangled. My Great Nana seemed quite pleased with herself when we finished it, so I never had the heart to tell her we should take it apart and try again. Instead, I found some pipe cleaner and tried cutting little pieces to stick inside the beads. That way he could actually look like a lizard. Still didn’t work, but I definitely didn’t get rid of him. I can’t bring myself to part with that keychain; it’s one of the last few memories I have of my Great Nana.